Botox (or any neuromodulator) is traditionally known for smoothing out wrinkles, “lifting” and creating a “tightening” effect to the forehead, frown lines and crows feet. However, there are some surprisingly unique areas you can inject with botox that will give you that “snatched” look that’s become a trend as of lately. This article will address the top 6 uncommon areas I love to treat with botox for a rejuvenated look!
How Botox (Neuromodulators) Works
In short, botox relaxes the muscle to its more natural state when it’s not in movement. In other words, botox has the muscle do the opposite of what it does during contraction. So when you frown, your brow area comes inwards and lowers, but when botox is injected into the glabella, or frown lines, it subtly lifts the brows. Same goes for treating around the eyes or crows feet. The crows feet is a sphincter muscle so when you smile or squeeze your eyes shut, the fine lines spread around the eye and the muscle contracts tight as the eye appears to reduce in size. When you relax this area, it helps to open up the eyes slightly and reduce the lines formed by the contraction.
1. Lifting Lateral Brows

The relaxation of the orbicularis oculi muscle (muscle around the eye) is what we rely on to lift the lateral brow and create either a sultry accentuation to the brow or just a much needed youthful lift. Subtly lifting the lateral brow can simply create a more alert and youthful appearance. This procedure only requires around 2 – 6 units, superficially on each side, depending on the desired degree of lift and how much of the area you want to lift (just the tail end or lifting 1/3rd of the brow).
By targeting these muscles, not only are you getting a slight lift but the neuromodulator is helping smooth out existing lines that form in the area. This area is quickly picking up popularity yet I still have patients who have been doing botox for years say they never knew they could treat that area, even though they’re a good candidate. Lateral brow lifts are definitely one of my favorite areas to treat on myself and others.
2. Lifting The Corners Of The Mouth

As we age, the corners of the mouth can begin to turn downward, giving off a sad or tired look. Believe it or not, botox is a very effective treatment in reducing the downward pull from the depressor anguli oris muscle that can cause that premature jowling. This area typically requires around 2-4 units per side. Personally, two units per side is my sweet spot; any more than 2 I start to feel the restriction when trying to lower my mouth (like when spitting after brushing my teeth). However, my experience has shown me most people can benefit from atleast 3 units especially depending on the strength of the muscle.
Treating DAOs can contribute to more balanced facial symmetry. The depth of injection is typically superficial and units may be increased dependent on strength but it’s best not to put too many units in this area as, once it’s in you cannot reverse it. If it’s too restrictive it may affect the way you lower your mouth. If you need more after two weeks its best to come back for more rather than overdo it the first visit. With that being said, it is an amazingly underrated area to treat. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to uplift your appearance and the result is a friendlier, more approachable resting face.
3. Defining The Jawline

A defined jawline contributes to a look of youth and definition, but not everyone is born with one. Botox can be used to soften the platysma muscles (muscles on the neck that wrap up past the jawline), which can reduce the downward pull of the platysma bands and create a tightening appearance. I typically do about 8-10 units per side for the jawline area alone. The neck can also be treated for a further tightening effect. The injections are very superficial as treating too deep can affect muscles related to the smile which may be catastrophic for patients who have to then live with an altered smile for 3 months.
This is a fun area to treat but patients must have realistic expectations. If you have close to no definition in your jawline, treating the muscles wrapped around the jawline will not create a significant difference to the jawline as adipose tissue may need to be reduced and there may be a loss of elasticity causing loose skin or there may be a loss of tissue or bone density in which filler can help augment a jawline. Whatever the reason, the cause of the lack of jawline typically needs to be addressed first, then the botox will be the frosting on the cake.
4. Enhancing the Neck Bands

Visible neck bands can age the appearance of the neck significantly. Botox offers a solution by relaxing the platysma muscles responsible for the creation of prominent neck bands. A typical treatment might involve 20-50 units, depending on the muscle strength and the desired outcome. This approach not only relaxes the neck area for a more youthful neckline but can also add balance and evenness to the appearance. Because the neck muscles require a ton of units, some people opt to just treat some platysma bands like the two in front that often cause the “turkey neck” look. However, because all of our muscles tend to work together, I always recommend treating the entire area of the neck if other platysma bands are prominent, as relaxing the two in the middle may cause the lateral ones to overcompensate and become stronger.
5. Relaxing Nose Flares And Nose Tip

Treating the nose is probably the most uncommon area to treat with botox but it can be amazing for people looking to not go under the knife yet are looking to have slight changes to the appearance of the nose. For example, people who tend to flare their nose, even without thinking, can reduce the flare by injecting into the alar nasalis muscle located on the sides of the nostrils. For those wanting to elevate their “droopy” noses, we can inject into the depressor septi nasi which naturally pulls the tip of the nose downward. When this area is injected into with botox there’s a slight, refined elevation to the tip. All without going under the knife! Typically I’ll treat the nasal flares with 2 units each side and the nasal tip area with about 4 units.
6. Reducing Gummy Smile

A gummy smile is defined as a portion of your gum being visible above the top teeth when smiling. I usually notice my gummy smile in photos when I’m overly excited or genuinely trying to express my happiness. My gum ratio matches my teeth ratio which is not my favorite look. Thankfully, botox can help in several different ways to reduce a gummy smile.
First technique that can be used depending on what’s causing the gummy smile is treating the perioral muscles just above the lips. This is also called the lip flip and can show more of your upper lip when smiling if your lips naturally want to curl in. Having more of the upper lip show when smiling can reduce the amount of gum showing. Typically I’ll treat this area with a standard 4 units. However, these muscles help us pucker our lips and drink from a straw so some people experience drooling or restraint when trying to drink or do things that involve pursing the lips, especially for the first 2 weeks as it’s strongest at this point. Not everyone will feel the uncomfortable restriction with 4 units but patients must know it’s always possible even with a small amount of units.
Another area to treat would be the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (LLSAN) which is responsible for elevating the upper lip. So, when treating this area, it can limit how wide and “tall” of a smile you have, reducing the gum show. This muscle can be treated with the zygomaticus minor as this muscle also has a hand in lifting the top lip. 2-4 units per muscle is typically all that’s necessary. Again, overdoing the restriction can be a nightmare for someone who then has to wait out an obvious disfigurement to the face.
The goal is not to inhibit the smile but to aesthetically enhance it, maintaining its spontaneity while softening the gum exposure.
Is It Right For You?
Botox treated in these uncommon areas can create small, subtle changes that illustrate an overall softening and balancing to face and neck features. It’s important to speak to a professional and have them assess whether you’re a good candidate to get these areas treated. A popular misconception is everyone can get botox in all areas and it affects everyone similarly. A mom with heavy eyelids and thick, low forehead muscles will not get the same effects as her younger daughter with naturally lifted lids and minimal forehead lines. Botox is an amazing tool in the toolbox of anti-aging but it isn’t magic. There’s a limit to what botox can do and sometimes filler needs to get involved. And there’s a limit to what fillers can do and sometimes the ebst solution for an area is surgery. The best provider will be honest and won’t sell you a dream and you as the patient must provide realistic expectations and be honest about your goals so you’re both on the same page.
Also Read: Inside Details On The Effects Of Botox
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