Crop anonymous female in casual shirt with manicured hands and ring softly rubbing hand moisturizer in back of hand skin

Radiesse For Hand Rejuvenation

As an injector, I have several patients coming in wanting to rejuvenate nearly every part of their face. Relaxing forehead lines, accentuating cheekbones and jawline. People used to focus on what they immediately saw in the mirror to create a youthful aura. Then we started to see a trend of people recognizing their youthfulness in the face didn’t match the neglected neck, chest and even hands! Surprisingly, reviving the skin of the hands has picked up significantly. Years ago, a patient would think an injector was crazy for even suggesting adding filler to the hands, but today (while some may still be shocked by such a request) this treatment area is picking up speed. Radiesse is a filler that’s especially popular for hand rejuvenation. It’s a quick, minimally invasive procedure that introduces a gel-like substance under the skin, immediately improving volume loss and diminishing the visibility of veins and tendons. But the true magic occurs weeks to months later as Radiesse stimulates your body’s own collagen production for long-lasting results.

The Age-Defying Benefits Of Radiesse In Hands

The beauty of Radiesse lies not just in its immediate improvements but in its ability to battle the root causes of aging hands. Over time, our skin loses collagen and elastin, leading to a thinner appearance and making every vein and wrinkle stand out. By kick-starting the collagen regeneration process, Radiesse restores lost volume and elasticity. This results in a smoother, more youthful look that keeps improving over time, making it a favorite among those patients who seek not just a temporary fix but lasting enhancement.

How Radiesse In Hands Works

Radiesse is calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA). This treatment involves Injecting the CaHa microspheres suspended in a gel carrier into areas of volume loss. These microspheres act as a scaffold that not only supports the skin for immediate improvement but also promotes the production of new collagen and elastin fibers. Over the span of a few months, the gel is absorbed, and the body metabolizes the CaHA particles, leaving behind your own natural collagen and elastin fibers. It’s a treatment that truly turns back time.

Comparing Radiesse With Other Hand Treatments

When it comes to hand rejuvenation, there are several options on the table, but Radiesse stands out for a few key reasons. Unlike temporary hyaluronic fillers that only offer short-term solutions, Radiesse provides both immediate and long-lasting improvements. And while some treatments focus solely on the surface, Radiesse addresses the problem from within by promoting new collagen production. It’s not just a band-aid fix; it’s focus is to genuinely create healthier, younger-looking skin. Sculptra is another collagen stimulating treatment but involves lots of dilution compared to radiesse. Radiesse is able to create more plump with less product.

Frequently Asked Questions About Radiesse In Hands

For those considering Radiesse for hand rejuvenation, common questions arise.

  • How long do the results last?
    • Typically, the effects of Radiesse can be seen for up to a year, with some individuals enjoying the benefits for even longer. It truly is individualized. But the collagen produced is there until the body breaks it down overtime. That’s why maintenance once a year is key.
  • Who are the best candidates?
    • Virtually anyone noticing signs of aging in their hands can be a good candidate, though it’s always important to have a consultation with a specialist.
  • What’s the process like?
    • The treatment usually takes less than an hour. Every provider is different but I like to numb the injection points I’ll be injecting into. I also use a cannula which is a long blunted needle. This helps to reduce bruising but, especially with a larger gauge, it reduces the small chance of injecting into a vessel. With this there’s typically minimal discomfort and no significant downtime. As for sessions required, one to two treatments can often provide remarkable results, though individual needs may vary.

Also Read: The Remarkable Benefits Of Temple Fillers In Aesthetic Treatments


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