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Red light therapy or (low level light therapy) is a popular non invasive treatment that has increased in popularity for treatment of the skin for collagen production, overall healing and energy production. The photons (quantum of light) in red light therapy are absorbed in the skin through the photosensitive mitochondrial chromophores. Mitochondria is an organelle in our cell and is considered our cell’s powerhouse. It is able to generate energy to create reactions needed for the cell’s function. They use oxygen and food to convert into energy. This energy produced is in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). With the absorption of red light, ATP as well as an increase in electron transport, blood flow, stem cell activation etc is seen to occur. Results from these events look like

  • Healing/tissue repair
  • Reduction in wrinkles
  • reduction in acne scarring
  • reduction of UV damage prophylactically and as a treatment
  • Increased melanocyte proliferation and decreased inhibition of depigmentation in those with vitiligo disorder (stops the break down of pigment and increases the production of melanocytes creating pigment in depigmented areas.

Again Red light therapy has been used as a nearly risk free, non-invasive way to heal and improve skin texture, quality and appearance. Recently though, red light therapy has become a tool in the toolbox for hair restoration.


Hair Growth and Hair loss

There are so many factors that go into long hair retention and what causes early breakage or increased shedding and eventually balding. Lets start from the beginning though. Our hair includes the hair bulb where the capillaries/blood supply and stem cells are, the root of the hair which is embedded in the epidermis, the shaft which is the part that we see, it comes out of the scalp (for more description of hair composition read article on low porosity hair). Hairs grow and shed individually in phases. Normal shedding is about 100-150 hairs per day.

Hair Growth Phases

  • Anagen phase= Growth phase. In this stage the hair is actively growing underneath the top layer of scalp. The hairs above the scalp (shaft) are dead layers of keratin where the active growing hair is occurring at the follicle level. In the follicle where growth is occurring, there is the outer and inner root sheath. The outer root sheath contains a multitude of stem cells that convert to cells like keratinocytes and melanocytes which bring the thickness and color to the shaft. The stem cells are located between the arrector pilli muscle (causes hairs to stand up when scared or cold) and between the sebaceous gland’s ductal opening. The inner root sheath contains the cuticle layer which helps to attach the keratinized growing hair to follicle and is comprised of the flat overlapping cells. Growth occurs where the hair bulb is as it is nourished from the surrounding capillaries and rich cells through the dermal papilla (mesenchymal/multipotent stem cells). The dermal papilla has been seen to play a huge role in the the color, shape, size of hair and how quickly it regenerates. The dermal papilla interacts with growth factors like insulin like growth factor, keratinocyte growth factors and stem cell factors. Anagen phase has been reported to last anywhere from 2-8 years. Conditions like genetic predisposition, hormonal disruptions, stress and action of androgen in hair may affect these numbers.
  • Catagen phase= end of growth phase. During the catagen phase the hair detaches from blood supply, apoptosis occurs to follicle and it loses about 1/6th diameter of thickness. This phase usually lasts about 10 days or a few weeks.
  • Telogen phase= The resting phase. In this phase, which lasts for about 2-3 months, the hair is dormant, growth has ceased. In a given time about 9% of the hair on scalp is in telogen phase. While the old hair is resting, new hair growth is building once again at the bulb and will start pushing out the old hair.
  • Exogen= shedding. This stage is the end of the telogen phase, exit of old hair and return to anagen phase
Hair strand under the microscope. Follicle anatomical structure closeup. Removal, treatment and transplantation concept. Medical educational symbol. Body anatomy vector illustration.

How Red Light Therapy Improved Hair Growth

Low level light therapy (LLLT) of 650nm has been seen to increases proliferation of hair follicles in culture-tissued model. LLLT was consistently seen to delay the transition from anagen to catagen in vitro. In this study compared to the control group of hair follicles that had no exposure to red light, the group that consistently had 5 mins of light exposure saw increased mean length of hair shaft growth.

Another study testing hair restoration in 42 women experiencing androgenetic alopecia found an increase in quantity of hairs using 655nm LLLT. The study was for 16 weeks, the active group had a helmet of red LLLT 655nm that they used every other day for the 16 weeks while the control group used a “placebo” helmet of incandescent red lights. They did a count of hairs to a selected area, photographed and reassessed/ did a recount 16 weeks later. During reassessment, the change in hair count over baseline for the control (placebo) group was 23.9 +/- 30.1. For the active group who received that red light therapy, their increase over baseline was 100.3 +/- 53.4 new hairs indicating a 37% increase of hair growth for the LLLT group compared to the placebo group.

In a meta analysis of 7 total studies regarding LLT and hair growth, they found all 7 showed significant hair growth was seen in the LLLT groups regardless of gender compared to placebo/control group.

Red Light Devices

There are over 30 LLLT FDA approved at home devices that have been shown to show significant results in hair growth either through their own published documents or some from supporting clinical trials. Lots of these at home treatments include helmet-like devices, hats, headbands, and combs. Some of the companies include Revian Red, iRestore, iGrow, Hairmax Lasercomb, LaserCap, Capillus, etc. These devices range in time of 90 seconds (Hairmax laserband) to 36 minutes (LaserCap). Most are meant to be used 3-4 times a weeks while Revian Red instructs daily use. Retail prices varied from $279-$2999 (also dependent on version you purchase).

Capillus 272 PRO has 272 red visible light 655nm LDs configured in a helmet. Has an adapter and rechargeable battery. Able to pause treatment if head is out of placement. Study showed 63.67% increase in hair count for active group compared to 12.48% for control group.

HairMax devices 655nm laser4 published articles as early as 2003. Results found 93.5% increase in hair count and 78.9% increase in tensile strength from 5-10 minute combing sessions with LLLT.

iGrow 21 red visible light and 30 red LEDS in helmet. Has beeping alerts for end of session. Study done on men first and then women yielded 35%-37% respective increases in hair count after 16 week use, daily with 25 minute sessions. Another study used minoxidil (a hair restoring medication) and analyzed the use of both the medication and LLLT. The study found that the medication use solely yielded 34.94% increase hair density, LLLT was 34.41% and 43.69% for combination treatment.

iRestore Essential has 21 red visible lights and 30 red LEDs in helmet. The Pro has 82 LDs and 200 LEDs. Both cover upper 1/3 of head. Beeps at end of treatment. In 24 week studies about 14% improvement can be seen compared to control.


In conclusion, hair is a very complex subject to master as there are several factors and conditions that may impede or quicken hair growth with some factors being genetic however there are many ways to act preventatively. It’s important to be aware of your hair type and what’s worked for you in the past. What works for one person may not work for you so be in tuned with changes to your hair after trying products to decipher what your hair agrees with. Furthermore, growing your hair is a science. The hair needs nutrients, oxygen, growth factors, stem cells are a few of the components that increase growth and strengthen hair. When these areas are lacking, you may see slowing down of hair growth or increased shedding. Treatments like LLLT even before hair loss begins has been seen to increase blood flow to follicle which in turns increases things like hair count and hair density to name a few. Make sure to buy from reputable sources and look out for FDA approval and around 650nm of wavelength or more.

Also Read: Omnilux red light mask


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